Choosing the right outfit for a Photoshoot


Happy Colours

  • If you wear happy colours you’ll automatically feel and be happy.  If you rock up to the photoshoot in dark shades, you are going to feel dull.  Dark colours can also make you disappear into the background of a photograph.  If you choose some colours that really brighten up your face then you will feel energised and ready to smile for the camera.  Do be aware that colours that brighten your face doesn’t necessarily mean bright bold colours.  Pastel shades work really well and can make photos look really crisp and fresh.

  • Organise and choose the clothing you, as the parent, are going to wear before deciding on the rest of the family, really helps.  It will be easier for the rest of the family to fit with your outfit rather than choosing outfits the other way round.

  • When considering what the rest of the family are going to wear, you might be wearing your favourite colour, but you need to make sure the rest of the family are not going to wear colours that then clash with yours.

  • Try to avoid having a mix of colours throughout the family.  Too many colours in one shot can take away from what is important in the photo… and your family.  There is also a danger that the photographs will not flow and it will appear very busy.

Colours to avoid

  • For some skin tones green looks amazing and if that’s you then do wear it, but don’t go too bright.  As a general rule for most, green is not a colour that reflects well on your skin and can make you look drained and enhance the shadows on your face. You need to complement your skin tones.

  • When choosing what colours to wear, stand in natural light, try holding the colours to yours and the families faces.   Video yourselves, if it helps, and watch the tones in your face change.  Pick a colour that brightens your face.  As you look back at photos or videos you will notice a reduction in facial shadowing and minimal shine. Your face should look bright and clear. If you see a yellow glow this means it is not complimenting your skin.

  • When you have a colour that works try and match similar tones that will compliment all of the family.

  • Matching the tones with a pair of jeans works really well visually for the photographs.  Jeans are perfect in a photoshoot as they are always in fashion!


Coordinate - don’t match

  • The key to the colours you choose is to coordinate.  Coordinating with pastel tones works very well for all. Some families can get away with bold bright colours. 

  • Don’t all wear the same colour as it will appear as one big block of colour in your photos and it will be hard to distinguish where one person ends and another starts.

  • Wear solid colours staying away from patterns.  Patterns can make the photos look very busy and again take attention away from the family.


Clothes to avoid for a photoshoot

  • Big logos; I don’t say this to prevent product placement, but I do say it because people are automatically drawn to see what someone is wearing rather than looking at the people in the photograph.

  • Subtle logos are ok as the eye won’t be as drawn to them, but big logos on t-shirts or jumpers is too much and very distracting.

  • Big patterns and prints are also not recommended as these can also be distracting.

  • Other clothes I would suggest avoiding are crop tops showing off the midriff and excessive ripped jeans.  As with other things like logos and patterns, both of these can take the focus away from what is important in the photo; the family!

Prepare the clothes in advance so you’re ready

  • I really do recommend, as mentioned in my ‘How to Prepare for a Family Photoshoot’ Blog, that you should organise what everyone is going to wear ahead of the photoshoot.  Please look back at this blog to help you.

  • Once you have chosen your clothes lay them all out on the bed and take a photo of them.  Look at the photo and see where your eyes are drawn.  If your eyes are drawn to one colour, then you know this is the colour scheme for the family.  You will then be able to coordinate all of the outfits to match these tones.


Most importantly be comfortable

  • I spoke about this in my ‘How to prepare children for a photoshoot’ Blog.

  • If you think about which clothes make you feel most relaxed and the types of clothes you choose to be relaxed, but maybe not necessarily your PJs or tracksuit trousers, those clothes should be the style of clothes you should wear for the photoshoot.

  • I know I have some trousers that I feel great in and others that may cut in more around the waist, which makes me, fidget and want to adjust my top to try and get comfortable.

  • Jeans are a timeless piece to an outfit and are very flattering. 


Look out for my Colours Blog later in the series.


If there is anything I have not covered, please do contact me to ask any questions.  I’d be more than happy to help.


How to Prepare for a Family Photoshoot


Arrange a time that fits with young children’s nap times

  • Think about the time you plan to book the photo session, especially if you have little ones, making sure you don’t arrange a time when the children would normally be due a nap.

  • A time after they have had a nap is the best time.


Tell children excitedly about the photoshoot

  • As children won’t really know what you mean by a photoshoot, especially the young ones, when you tell them express excitement in your voice, They will automatically be excited about it too.

  • Let them know it’s a fun thing so they look forward to it.

  • Maybe get them to start thinking of things they would like to do during the photoshoot; jumping in the air, playing with bubbles, including their favourite toy, etc


Be well rested

  • This is recommended for the whole family.

  • Good sleep leading up to the day of the photoshoot will mean the children are happier and fully energised.

  • You will also feel fresh and ready to go……looking amazing!!


Prepare what you are all going to wear

  • Planning what you and the family will be wearing is so important, so plan ahead of the photoshoot.

  • Make sure these outfits are washed and put aside, so you know they are there ready for you.

  • Having your clothes already chosen will help you feel relaxed on the day.

  • More on this will be coming soon, helping you with colours and styles.


Eat before the photoshoot

  • It’s not recommended to arrange a photoshoot at a time you know the children will be hungry.

  • Arrange a time when you know you and the children have eaten, so everyone has the energy and are happy.

  • Take a few snacks with you for the children, just incase they do feel hungry during the shoot.       


Choose toys and games the children enjoy

  • Plan with your children which toys they might want to bring on the photoshoot, either to play with or to keep them entertained during the photo shoot.

  • Maybe they would like their favourite teddy to be included in the shoot.

Budget for the photoshoot

  • Think about how many photos you might want from your photoshoot.  Do you want them digitally or do you want framed photos and, if so, what sort of shots are you hoping to get.

  • When you know what you want check out each package and what they offer. Decide which plan best suits you. Once you have this set start setting money aside. Being financially comfortable to pay for the photoshoot will help you enjoy the experience. 

  • Planning can really help you get the most from the photoshoot and the session will be as fun as you had imagined. Lots of laughter makes great photo!

If I have not covered something, please do contact me to ask any questions.