How to Prepare for a Family Photoshoot


Arrange a time that fits with young children’s nap times

  • Think about the time you plan to book the photo session, especially if you have little ones, making sure you don’t arrange a time when the children would normally be due a nap.

  • A time after they have had a nap is the best time.


Tell children excitedly about the photoshoot

  • As children won’t really know what you mean by a photoshoot, especially the young ones, when you tell them express excitement in your voice, They will automatically be excited about it too.

  • Let them know it’s a fun thing so they look forward to it.

  • Maybe get them to start thinking of things they would like to do during the photoshoot; jumping in the air, playing with bubbles, including their favourite toy, etc


Be well rested

  • This is recommended for the whole family.

  • Good sleep leading up to the day of the photoshoot will mean the children are happier and fully energised.

  • You will also feel fresh and ready to go……looking amazing!!


Prepare what you are all going to wear

  • Planning what you and the family will be wearing is so important, so plan ahead of the photoshoot.

  • Make sure these outfits are washed and put aside, so you know they are there ready for you.

  • Having your clothes already chosen will help you feel relaxed on the day.

  • More on this will be coming soon, helping you with colours and styles.


Eat before the photoshoot

  • It’s not recommended to arrange a photoshoot at a time you know the children will be hungry.

  • Arrange a time when you know you and the children have eaten, so everyone has the energy and are happy.

  • Take a few snacks with you for the children, just incase they do feel hungry during the shoot.       


Choose toys and games the children enjoy

  • Plan with your children which toys they might want to bring on the photoshoot, either to play with or to keep them entertained during the photo shoot.

  • Maybe they would like their favourite teddy to be included in the shoot.

Budget for the photoshoot

  • Think about how many photos you might want from your photoshoot.  Do you want them digitally or do you want framed photos and, if so, what sort of shots are you hoping to get.

  • When you know what you want check out each package and what they offer. Decide which plan best suits you. Once you have this set start setting money aside. Being financially comfortable to pay for the photoshoot will help you enjoy the experience. 

  • Planning can really help you get the most from the photoshoot and the session will be as fun as you had imagined. Lots of laughter makes great photo!

If I have not covered something, please do contact me to ask any questions.


Photography Tips for You!

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Step Closer

When taking photos try stepping closer to your subject. This can benefit your photography skills in a few ways. It can cut out the background, which isn’t always necessary, giving composition to your photo and focusing on the subject.

Keep a Steady Camera

When taking a photo make sure you are steady on your feet, standing on solid ground, keep your elbows tight into your body and hold the camera tight to your face and with two hands. Sometimes, holding your breathe, as you push the shutter lease down, can help prevent any unnecessary shakes!

Reduce Blurry Photos

One of the most frustrating things is when you’ve been having fun taking photos and then you see the photos and notice they are blurry. To help prevent this you should not set your shutter speed any lower than the focal length of your lens. As a general rule, you should not go below 1/60th (shutter speed) as this is generally the slowest a hand can hold a camera without shake. If you want to go below 1/60th you are starting to get into tripod territory or I would advise you rest the camera on a solid surface.