How to Prepare Children for a Photoshoot


Prepare the children it is happening

  • As mentioned in my previous Blog ‘How to prepare for a family photoshoot’ tell your children excitedly about the photoshoot, so they get excited about it too.

  • Talk to the children and explain what a photoshoot is and what happens.  

  • Tell them the photographer’s name and maybe show them a photo of the photographer.

  • Discuss what they would like to do as a treat after the photoshoot, such as; going out to lunch, seeing a film in the cinema or even just buying them a little treat to eat!

  • On the day of the photoshoot, arrive a little earlier than the time the photoshoot is due to start, this allows the children to run around and release any excess energy.  We don’t want them releasing too much energy though as we need this energy to produce some great photo for you to keep as a lasting memory!


Make sure they wear comfortable clothes


  • It’s a fact; no one feels relaxed when they wear something they do not feel comfortable in.  This is the same for children.  Let them help you choose their outfit, within reason, as I know they can choose some crazy outfits when given free rein!

  • It’s very rare that someone will look at a family photo and comment on the outfits, most people will focus on the subjects and their expressions and what might be happening in the photo.  So really don’t get too worried about everyone’s outfits.  We want you to be just as relaxed as the children are, ready for the photoshoot!


Make sure the children are well fed

  • Although the photo sessions will not appear that long to an adult, to a child it can seem like it goes on for some time.  Make sure they are well fed before the shoot and always bring snacks incase they get hungry.

  • I would also recommend bringing a drink for the children, as you know, when they have a snack they always want a drink afterwards!


Bring family activities like a simple kite to fly

  • Having a bag of a few toys, games and activities to do during the photoshoot can really help tell a story in your photos.  These activities can also create lots of lovely natural smiles, which is what we want.

  • Activities can also distract children, who maybe having a moment, bringing them back in to the photoshoot without too much stress for them.

  • Toys and games can also create some amazing natural smiles.  This is what we want.  One thing I ask parents, during a shoot, is not to say to their children to smile.  This can go two ways, one; a big unnatural cheesy smile or, two; a child who refuses to smile as they’ve just been told to do it and they decide they don’t want to.


Talk positively

  • This tip is so important.  If you add excitement to your voice whenever you talk about the photoshoot the emotion will transfer to the children and they will be excited.  If you tell them with a monotone voice, the children will pick this up and question whether the photoshoot is something they want to do.

  • Excited, Excited, Excited!


Make sure the children are well rested

  • When younger children are involved, it is best to book the photoshoot in the morning at a time after any younger children may have had a sleep.

  • Being well rested also applied to the adults too, so you are more relaxed and refreshed and looking amazing!


Let them be them

  • This is so important and this is what you really want photos of.

  • If the children decide to have a strop, just let them, sometimes these emotions caught on camera are the best and give great memories for when the children are older.  Everyone loves looking back at photos when they were young and coming across a photo of them really cross or not being impressed with the situation. 

  • If the children want to dip in and out of the photos, that’s fine.  Within the session a good photographer will be able to capture them unawares and still create a great collection of photos for you!


If I have not covered something, please do contact me to ask any questions.